Thursday, December 4, 2008

I've Been Away For A While

There has been a lot going on here. I have been doing a lot of praying and soul searching. You see I had lost my peace. I was getting to involved with worldly things and beliefs. I have gotten back into the word and we are drawing closer as a family by praying together. Our marriage is getting better and our relationships with the kids is better.
For those who do not know we are now keeping the kids from Sat. evening to Fri. evening and Steph is getting them for one night. She is trying so hard to work and go to school. She has no one where she is at to keep them so we are doing it so she can work and study. This has been an adjustment to all of us here but we are finally getting into a routine. I am trying to work with Isaiah and Katie on preschool stuff. This is quite an adventure for me working with the two of them.
I will try to post more but I can't promise since I never know what I might be into.
There is so much I want to share. There have been many changes going on with me and all the farm stuff here. I will try to get some pictures and get them up tonight or tomorrow.

Let me leave you with this.
Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
That means anything no matter how hard. Just believe.

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