Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving. We are going to give out socks at the mission. My cousin has been doing this for years. He now goes to 3 different cities to give out socks on Thanksgiving. He was in Ashville, NC. yesterday, Knoxville and Chattanooga today. A friend and his wife are doing Chattanooga for him. It is a very humbling experience to see all the homeless we have here. Some choose to be there and would live no other way. The ones that really touch you are the ones that don't want to stay that way. There are so many children it is really heartbreaking. I will post again when we get back. I need to get my camera to where I can start posting pictures. I might try that today.

We are eating supper with the kids tonight and they are moving tomorrow. So might not get to post again for a day or two. I want to start posting more regularly.

God Bless and have a great Thanksgiving!

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