Monday, July 2, 2007

Getting up early

Well this morning I got up at 5:15 for me that is very early. This year I am struggling with getting organized. I have never been completely organized but I have been very unorganized for about 3 years now. I was hoping after we moved that I would get better but I am truly struggling.

I think part of it is due to the fact that I feel so overwhelmed. My mind is so bogged down that I can't seem to get it together. Well, my whole point here is that I want to get up early so I can get things done. This morning I have already had my time with the Lord and have a loaf of bread rising to put in the oven. Plus now I have this quiet time to blog and get my sons school work together for the day.

I have been so depressed is the only word I can think of that would be close to how I have been feeling. I just couldn't seem to get up in the mornings and get going. I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.

Well, God has really been working on me to just let all this stuff go and let Him deal with it. I can do that but sometimes there is just so much that I can't even seem to sort through it. So this morning I have done that and I feel much better.

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