Thursday, July 5, 2007


We have between 6 to 10 hummingbirds here. We have 2 that are regulars, a male and female. We all love to sit and watch them. They fight over the feeder. We have gotten such joy out of watching them. So many people have told me that they haaven't had many this year or none at all.
We just love it here where we are living there is so much wildlife. It is so very peaceful. As soon as I can I will try to get osme pictures up.
We were going down the road the other day and there were two wild turkeys in the road. We also saw a flock of them in a field near there.
We have many deer out here and all kinds of bugs. I have never seen so many types of bugs.
There is a bird at the back of our property that we can not tell for sure what it is. We are thinking owl. But it flies from tree to tree swopping down to the ground like it is catching things. It is light colored and will do that for a long time.
We sot out side the other night for a couple of hours just watching all the different animals in our yard.
There was what my husband thinks was about a year old buck feeding off down the back.
Ross loves it, of course he yells when he sees something and scares ot off. LOL
We are so very blessed to be here and thank God that he put us here.

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