Saturday, January 5, 2008

Goals, not resolutions

This year I am going to try something I have never really done. I am going to set goals. Nothing major, not even long term. Just small little things that I can actually do with little effort.
I know that sounds really lazy but I always make all kinds of plans for the new year, every year and I never get anywhere.

So, this year I am just setting a few small, reachable goals to start with. When these goals become habit then I will make a few more.

Goals to start with are:
Stretch 10 minutes a day.
Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Start journaling.
Post a least once a week on blog.

These can be vey reachable in a short period of time. Once these become habit I will set just a few more.

Just some food for thought. If you struggle with large NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS then just make a few goals.

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