Saturday, January 5, 2008

What You Learn When Your World Falls Apart

I know I posted some on here about my husband having cancer and some of the things we have been through. I say we because the whole family goes through this not just the patient.

We have experienced times that I could have just walked away and said I can't take anymore. There have been times that my 9 yr. son was so frustrated and discouraged. We made it through only by the grace and mercy of God. Our home was turned upside down and shaken up. Every one of us have changed we are not the same people who started through this.

When my husband was on steroids was the worst time. I have great sympathy for anyone who has a loved one on them. He was so horrible. There was nothing he could do and nothing we could do.

Financially we were devistated. He was the bread winner and now we had nothing except what I made parttime. We had no savings due to having made very poor financial decisions in the past. We were in bankruptcy that we had to pay every week. I could not pay everything.
Then God took over and everything was fine. We had money come in that we never expected. People we had not heard from in years sent checks in the mail. People in our church would hand us money. We had gotten on SSI but that was not much, 623.00 a month doesn't pay much.
We had gotten on foodstamps and TennCare, but that was such a hassle. I was treated like dirt and degraded. I had no other choice but to go through it though. We had no insurance, we were hurting in a lot of ways.
He got approved for SSDI but that would not start for 6 months. You know though we never went hungry and the bills were always paid.
The couple I work for were wonderful, they worked with me around all the doctor appointments. That is also where I got to get away so I would not go crazy. We were in survival mode. Just one hour at a time. That is as good as it got. We never knew what was next but God always provided and gave us strength. We would never have gotten through this without Him.

In saying all this the point is you can survive anything as long as you lean on God. Have faith and know that you will make it through.

1 comment:

Carrie J said...

Here is a link to the movie about what people eat that I told you about. Click.